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order confirmation transaction customer service recipe helper product tie-in
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General information
• (my) pages are tied to the personalized "my page"
• (supplier) pages are designed for suppliers only
advanced search order reminders
personal supply list
admin area
northwind admin page
Chet Keith Jin Marsha Sean
Working on presentation
1. Powerpoint Presentation
2. Documentation Requirements

Working on the supplier dashboard and relinquishing the presentation and documentation.

food X change mobile site

Supplier Dashboard - This corresponds to the area of the website that a
supplier would directly go to. You will need to add the ability to
register as a new supplier, Login as an existing supplier, and update the
product inventory.
1. Shopping Cart
2. Catalog (Catagory, Search)
3. check out
4. Login
5. IM Vendor (if time)
1. Supplier Data Mining
2. Overall Look & Feel once we combine all of our separate tasks.
1. Powerpoint Presentation
2. Documentation Requirements
1. New Purchaser Register
2. Recipe Helper: Phase 2
3. Menu Planner
4. Order Reminder
5. MSMQ VB Class/ASP (embedded in shopping cart)
1. Product Ratings
2. Fresh-o-meter
3. Powerpoint Presentation
4. Documentation Requirements
static pages shopping cart home page, template, admin page XML communication some of the tools
group email Team 6 competitive advantage Readme.txt
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